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I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes


Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes


Essay: I am a GREAT builder, well, at least in my friends eyes'. I am good at helping out and keeping griefers and trollers in-hand. I am also an op on another server and the owner LOVES the way i keep things in order. My dream is to work with mumblemurt and the other mods and admins. Oh and by the way it says and all that jazz are inportant too. :) Once again I hope that u will make me a mod or admin, evil admin.... Thanks for your time to look at my essay. toodles

Click here to view the application
Aug 31 2012 10:19 AM
13 apps? Nice.
Threads merged.
It's a no from me by the way
Sep 08 2012 12:41 PM
Posted Image
That's all I have...
Sep 08 2012 05:02 PM
10-16? 6 AGES AT ONCE!? The average of 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 is 13, TOO YOUNG!
Danielle Malmberg
Sep 14 2012 12:03 PM
Yeah based on what I see here and our brief conversaion in chat you need way more experience in life and interpersonal conduct before you become mod.

