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My Name is Luke,


I think that I would be a good mod because I can be very mature at times and play a resposible role when I am needed to. I know all the rules and what to do. I play survival quite a bit and I am known to other survival mods. I am 18 years old and I know what is wrong and what is not. I know that running a child friendly server can be quite difficult at times as arguments can start from nothing. I am always willing to help and if anyone needs it I am here at the ready. :D
I hope you take my application into consideration


Luke. (Thinisede)

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 16
Teamspeak: Yes


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: Yes

Age: 18-24

Months of MuttsWorld: 16

Teamspeak: Yes


My Name is Luke,


I think that I would be a good mod because I can be very mature at times and play a resposible role when I am needed to. I know all the rules and what to do. I play survival quite a bit and I am known to other survival mods. I am 18 years old and I know what is wrong and what is not. I know that running a child friendly server can be quite difficult at times as arguments can start from nothing. I am always willing to help and if anyone needs it I am here at the ready. :D
I hope you take my application into consideration


Luke. (Thinisede)

Click here to view the application

You were promoted to amby less than 24 hours ago 

    • DisturbdGuy and ModernArnis like this

Woah nice Bro