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Hello again!


I finally got a new laptop so I'll be back on mutts regularly now. Anyways I'm here to apply for a position as either ambassador or moderator, wherever help would be most needed. I am a long time Muttsworld player (joined October, 2012) with ample knowledge on the servers rules, changes, commands, and player relationships. I am also familiar with all of the programs/commands involved with ambassador and moderator, as I have already been in both positions; including SeniorAmbassador when it was a position. I understand the procedures and goals of each staff member on the server as well.


I am proficient and understand the workings of the plugins used to run the server such as: chat plugins, worldedit, and player visitation/monitoring commands. Although I'm sure procedure in situations and plugins have changed. I'm sure my background knowledge in these systems should make it easy to learn, and tasks will be completed promptly.


I completely understand the reason for my demotion and truly believe it was the right thing to do at the time. I also understand why you might be wary to promote me again as I have only returned for a few days, but I can guarantee I will be far more active than in previous months. I am more than happy accept a position where you see my knowledge and experience most necessary, even if that means just remaining diplomat for the time being.


Incredibly glad to be back and always happy to help our community



Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 70
Teamspeak: Yes