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I would like to apply for moderator. Although, I admit, I am still not as veteran as other players, I still would like to keep this application in for future reference. I would like to have the moderator position in the Survival Server.

I believe I would be fit for this position because I am always attempting to help anyone, specifically noobs, with any problems and would even teleport to them if they need me to. A lot of what I see in /newestregion is grief and that bothers me. I do not like seeing new family members of MuttsWorld being driven away by the annoying griefers that always decide to come on and bother those who are trying to play.

I am on very often, for about 5 hours a day, from 2-5, and then 7-8:30 Eastern. Also, when my mom works which is at least 3 days a week, I play from the time I get home from school, 2 pm, until 9 pm. I think this works effectively because I am on during periods of time that others are not. I think that this is ineffective use of a player that is willing to help, because the help tickets will only just pile up for the next moderator to log in.

I am a fast learner when it comes to just about anything. Just about the first time around, I can remember when, and how to use/do something. This includes commands. I am confident that I can learn the commands easily, and am willing to put effort into learning all of the needed commands.

Another reason that I would like to help MuttsWorld by being in the Moderator position is because I feel I am capable of more than the chats. I would like to help beyond that, and knock some modreqs out along with other mods. I would like to put any of my potential to use by helping out more than just in the chats.

Thank you for reading me application

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: Yes


+1 I see Meelah helping out all the time.
Great ambassador. But only been that for like a month and age is sort of an issue? but very helpful and responsive as an ambassador
I wouldnt mind this happening.
+1 Helps out a lot in chat, tnt378 is right, age is sort of an issue, but i can surely see this happening.
you know why
Oct 10 2012 09:28 AM
stick to ambassador
    • sammich98 and nrokin like this
I agree with Brown, stick with Ambassador. its been only like a month anyway.
    • sammich98 likes this

stick to ambassador

I would if I could.
he would b perfect
I think you would be a cool mod.
IRC is a must for a mod, or so I am told. As other people have said, stick to ambass for a bit.

I would if I could.

What does that mean............?

What does that mean............?

I was demoted that day, I am back as an ambassador though.