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Dear Muttsworld Admins/Mods

I wish to become an Ambassador on Survival Muttsworld the best server of our Minecraft community.

Reasons to be an Ambassador: Firstly I think I have matured alot and will be very responsible. Second of all I'm on Muttsworld at least 1-2 hours a day
when I have internet connection. Thirdly I will not only control chat but mute people if necassary. Finally I want to get alot more involeved in Muttsworld
and become a Mod when I have fully matured and learnt how to do more complex thing in Minecraft.

Thank you for reading my Ambassdor application I hope I can become one, and if I do I promise you'll be happy that you 'opped' me.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 13
Teamspeak: No


If I have done any thing wrong on this app please tell me.
Aug 12 2012 06:28 AM
I'd like to point out that ambassadors are also known as 'chat mods'.
The fact that you ranked up 2 bans concerning chat doesn't really help you.
Aug 12 2012 10:03 AM
Why: when i have internet connection? and i thought that 16 years old enough was to be a moderator
The range from around 15 - 16 is not too young for the Ambassador position, which is what this application is for.

Moderators are preferably 18+, though a few exceptions have been made in the past.
this guy has been banned twice, although people change hes still young and probably unsuitable for chat mod.