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Staff Application; Mortifero


I'd Like to start off by thanking you, the reader for your time.
Truth be told I Don't remember exactly how long I've been on Mutts, There was an issue with i think the 1.10 release of Minecraft that made it completely unplayable. I am glad that 1.12 has sorted this issue out allowing me to return to this great community. In my absence I went to Develop a few 'Garry's mod' servers and help them off the ground,only leaving once their permanent staff were comfortable and trained well. Before this and Mutts even, I was a member of the United States Marine Corps. I understand and can work well under stressful environments making tough decisions not based on my own feelings on the situation at hand but, based off regulations and guidelines provided. I don't often sleep and I'm also able to bring my laptop to work at night four days a week to clock another at least eight hours on the server a day.
On any server, I find that the best way to keep it alive is through community input, after all the players input should determine the direction of the server along with any additions and changes. I try to be an approachable person that's willing to talk to anyone about most any topic within reason whenever I'm available, either In game or on Discord.
In Conclusion, I'd like to say thank you again for your time and consideration! I'll see you in Survival!
~ Mortifero
Ps. im Terrible at writing "formal" applications like this, if its not good I hope you at least got a laugh. :)

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 15
Teamspeak: Yes


I don't have an "Edit" option or i'd go change the colour of the the text again. I'm sorry my first changes didn't save.

Im not a ambassador, mod, or even a diplomat, but in all honesty, this looks like an application that will work out for the admins! Good luck!

Thanks super!
Jul 08 2017 08:14 AM
What position on survival are you applying for, and how would you help survival. (And yes, you did include that you can make decisions that aren't based on your personal feelings, etc. But, the admins need to know how well you are with commands, and giving other people correct information.)
It is a +1 for me, although I do recommend getting to know the forums.

What position on survival are you applying for, and how would you help survival. (And yes, you did include that you can make decisions that aren't based on your personal feelings, etc. But, the admins need to know how well you are with commands, and giving other people correct information.)

Other than this, your application is amazing! I think you'd be an amazing addition to the team. c:


Best of luck,
