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Lexiluv_yolo (lexi)

Your name: Lexiluv_yolo (lexi)

Age: 13

Which server(s) are you applying for? Survival

Which position you're applying for: Moderator

How long have you been a part of the server/forums? i joined in the begining on july and forums a week after

Have you had any experience as staff on other server? no muttsworld is the only enjoyable server

Are you familiar with some of the server plug-ins staff members use? i know all the plugins but i am not quite familiar on how they work

Why do you think you should be a moderator on this server? i have had so much fun on muttsworld and like me i didnt know anything and i would like to help people who joined just like when i was new. i love helping people all over. i would to help make muttsworld a fun server foreveryone.

[Yes/No] You use the following services that other community members use:
-Forums: Yep
-Irc: not to much/rarely
-TeamSpeak: often

Any other information you would like to share with us: I would really like to help
i love minecraft i love building, helping and all that other fun jazz on minecraft i love to dance hang with friends play sports drawn and play minecraft

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


Danielle Malmberg
Aug 22 2012 11:32 PM
13 is too young to be a moderator, posting the application 4 times proves not ready for a staff position.
Aug 23 2012 05:44 AM
We require staff to use IRC and TeamSpeak.
Try that first.
Aug 23 2012 09:51 AM
i often use IRC and Teamspeak. i would really like to try to be a moderator, not to be mean but how am i too young
i love minecraft so do other kids my age and sometime i act like i am 20 at home, everybody i meet, they think i am a miget in a 20 year old body.maybe i can try being a mod for a week to see if i am ready
Trial mod isn't really something that's practiced here. Our age requirement lays at around 18+ for Moderator, which I think it a pretty fair number.

"i know all the plugins but i am not quite familiar on how they work"
Knowing the names of the plugins doesn't exactly justify as knowing them.

You put a "No" on the Irc and Teamspeak at the top of your application, and then later say you often use it. Which one is it?

This could just be me, but I don't recall ever seeing your name on the server. So I can't really say if I've seen you helping in chat with questions/problems. Which means I can't really give an accurate response to if you would be a good staff member.

My suggestion is that you keep on playing how you do. The duties of a moderator could be a little overwhelming, and make the experience of Minecraft less enjoyable for you.
Your name contains yolo