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Hello. I'm Noah, better known as Lettuce. I've been playing Muttsworld for quite some time, I think nearing about 5 years now. I'm 15 years old, but can act mature when the time comes. I am hoping to apply for Ambassador to start off with, but will help wherever is needed. I have pretty good experience with the server. The rules, the commands, and how to greet/help new players.


As I previously mentioned, I've been with Mutts for quite some time, making many friendships and meeting tons of people. I absolutely love the community, and I think it'd be fun to be able to work to improve Muttsworld, and bring in more players to restore it to its' former glory.


For the most part, I only play survival. Occasionally to creative or L2D when I get bored of surviving. I have been relatively active recently, however when school starts up again I may not be quite as active, but I'm finding a place in my heart for Minecraft again.


I understand that TeamSpeak is a requirement, but for many reasons, I am unable to use the program. I am hoping you can see past this, as I'm sure you understand as I come from a strict family, and lack many privileges.

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 50
Teamspeak: No


Good application, but maybe try reading this to edit your application and add some things. (What would you do if you found someone spamming? What server are you applying for?)


Anyways, good luck, and I hope to see you around! :D



    • rightfulmcool likes this

I like the application, but I agree with Chaz, give us more of an insight of what your job as an Ambassador would hold and how you would respond to certain scenarios.

    • rightfulmcool likes this
Aug 18 2018 02:23 PM
Thank you for the suggestions guys ^ I will definitely implement those to my application

Edit: Great application! Teamspeak is no longer a requirement as we have switched to Discord so I wouldn't worry about not being able to have it.

    • rightfulmcool likes this