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I feel I should explain my leave first; when I was staff I was putting in a ton of hours, my grades where falling and so I had to quit to get them back up. I also felt that I was becoming corrupted with the internet power and quite frankly I wasn't impressed with how I treated some people with my arrogant attitude and if you are one of those players, I am sorry. When I started off I was great, i declined but now I feel my batteries are fully charged.

Why should I be staff again. Well honestly because I'm great at banning griefers and helping players.

I know most of the commands already, sure i'm sure some of the stuff has changed but i learnt them once I can do it again.

I know there are a lot of staff now on survival so I don't know if I am needed but Muttsworld, if you need me I am here. If not that is fine.

This is only 168 words so I guess I have to add more. I looked for my old app I was just gonna Copy paste it but can't find it.

So I guess I'm back if you want me.

Tl;DR I'm back, can I have my ban hammer back?
  • TOED likes this

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 20
Teamspeak: Yes


brownbiscuit > ojmt
Dec 09 2012 07:29 AM
Instant win.
brownbiscuit > ojmt
ATHENA > brownbiscuit > ojmt
Heck yeah. ATHENA > ojmt > brownbiscuit > dragonshear > most other people > me!
This topic pleases my sensory nerves
Dec 09 2012 08:53 AM
Survival? Why not pvp
Cows > Pretty much everything else
    • dimattboy , Lightpex , sammich98 and 1 other like this

Survival? Why not pvp

Less to do...no grief..

Cows > Pretty much everything else

Yes plz
Dec 09 2012 10:56 AM

Less to do...no grief..

That's the point
I can haz oj
    • Map_Designer likes this
I want da oj back.
Dec 09 2012 07:50 PM
Posted Image
    • Saephear , dimattboy , supraboy97 and 3 others like this
Dec 10 2012 02:33 PM
Dec 17 2012 03:17 PM

does it concern you that much?

Your pointless spamming of these forums is a good way you get your account locked.
Hmm... I know (I think anyway) that OJ is a mod on Creative, and used to help out a ton? Maybe we should remove the plot world on creative to allow for grief so he has something to do? ;]