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Hello, my in game name is imAFloofyPanda, but most people just call me Panda or Floofy. I would like to apply for the Ambassador position in the survival server. I have had many years of experience and time on this server. I love everything about this server and I would love to do everything in my power to help re-populate and help the other players enjoy Muttsworld the more they play. I still believe Muttsworld is a great server and still has the potential to grow and grow.


As I have already stated, I have been on Muttsworld for a very long time. Possibly I have been on for around 50 months. Over those years or months I have socialized and became friends with many people of the community. Whenever a new player would join Muttsworld I greet them and help them as well making them feel welcome to this great community on Muttsworld. When time needs to be I am mature and I am serious about things such as a rude player that has come online. I can take things under control and let that player know they need to stop. If they do not and continue to be rude and inappropriate I will mute them if needs be. When I am with friends though I do like to have a good laugh with them and play with them. I have always tried to help the community in every which way possible and assist those in need.


I am a enthusiastic person and I love to socialize with other players. I think every player on here is fantastic and has a great personality. I am from the United States around the Western side of the country. I am still in school, but I can still find a way to take Muttsworld into a part of my life. I am mostly active and I am usually spending my time on Muttsworld. I am generally a happy person and love to encourage those who are down or feeling sad. I appreciate you for taking your time and reading my essay for the Ambassador position. I hope you have a great rest of your day and consider taking me in as one of your staff. Thank you again.


Note: I apologize for the essay before this. I accidentally submitted it and was not able to finish it. This is my finished application and I hope you read this.



Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 50
Teamspeak: Yes


Good luck Panda! :)

Good app, I have seen you in chat frequently, helping players and such. Would like to see you part of the staff team one day.  :D

Aug 18 2018 02:21 PM
Very good application. 11/10 would love to see you on staff