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Did you vote today?

Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello current MuttsWorld Players and Staff,
My name is Flame___. I have been a member on MuttsWorld Survival for about four years (introduced by current mod and brother ModernArnis). I am 14 years old and a high school freshman in the United States. School occasionally adds restrictions to the amount of time I can spend on the server, but even if I cannot log on one day, I always make sure to vote daily!


MuttsWorld was the first Minecraft server I have ever joined and I've always known it to have a large and welcoming community of players and staff alike. This has been a quality I have never been able to discover completely in many other servers I have played on and, therefore, I always returned to this server. I enjoyed playing on the other two survival worlds and meeting the people that played at each point in time, and I still like meeting new people through chat and trading (including some staff members through these methods or ModernArnis).
However, one of my other favorite things on the server is answering questions. I love to quickly get the answer to other players' problems or curiosities and relay back to them. This has been satisfying to me for a time, but after playing for so long on MuttsWorld, I think that it is time I can did my time and went beyond what I have been able to do to help previously. I do not want "I do not have the ability for this" to be a possible excuse for me any longer.
I am happy to help other players with their questions about rules, server news and events, and basic Minecraft mechanics. Although I would love to do as much as I can for this beautiful server, I also love the playing experience that is offered and therefore only plan to become an Ambassador at the current time.


Other information:
- I am somewhat savvy with current technology (iPhones, Macs) and am currently learning JavaScript, although I plan to
learn much more.
- I have basic Minecraft modding experience and I would love to get into designing and working with plugins.
- I've had some experience as a builder, staff member, and developer (I am familiar with configs of some plugins) on a few
other servers.


Thank you for reading my staff application to become an ambassador on survival! I appreciate any and all feedback that could be given. I hope to continue helping with everyone in the future, whether I am staff or player.


Have a great day!


- Flame___

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: Yes


Dec 29 2016 08:11 AM
Now this.
This is an application.
    • Syvley likes this
+1 • Flame___ answers every question they can correctly. Guess he doesn't want people driving around on 3 wheels. Smart.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • piggypotter113 likes this