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Hi I'm Dawn, my real name is ryan. And I want to tell you guys all the things that's important and all that jazz! I'm a very nice and respectful person. I will stick to the rules and keep the rules. I accept any type of punishment and promotions. I am 12 years old and my birthday is July 27. I am well know at the server and I greet the new players that come on. Whenever someone comes onto the server I always say Welcome Backs (wb) to them. That is because I don't judge people and I don't like to make people feel bad. I'm rarely in a bad mood I'm always in a good mood. I love interacting with other players and making friends and making other people happy. No matter what I will always be the same as I am today. (unless something happens to me). I take good responsibility in myself and other players. Nothing goes wrong with me helping out. -Dawn0fSky (AKA - Ryan)

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: Yes