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Hi, I appreciate you taking the time to read my application. I have been playing on survival for a long time now, and I would like to help the chat by being an ambassador. I watch all of the chat channels, and I help as much as I can in all of them. I am online a lot, on weekdays I am available from 3:00 p.m. to around 8:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. I am on almost all day on Saturday, and on Sundays from 7:00 a.m. until about 11:00 a.m. I know Muttsworld pretty well, and it is the first server I have ever played on. I would love to help moderate the chat, and I hope you consider me as an ambassador.

Thanks for your time,


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 8
Teamspeak: No


I know how to use IRC and Teamspeak, I will start using them, mostly IRC, but Teamspeak from time to time.
Danielle Malmberg
Oct 08 2012 12:26 AM
Oh look you know how to spam, i merged it for you.
How does one have the age 10 - 16.. oh dear.. *smh.
Have seen him on quite a bit, you need to help out more in chat. But you have bought diplomat so that is a plus.
Oct 08 2012 06:53 AM
Your essay is kind of...bad.
Things we want to see are:
- Why we should pick you as ambassador
- Staff that thinks you are fit for the job
- Usage IRC or TS (I mean real usage that people can confirm, not just a 'yes i used it once')

Get workin'!
I could use IRC, but I haven't looked into it much. One off the ambassadors on Muttsworld Left2Die said I would be able to do it. I should be picked because I know Muttsworld very well as I have been playing on it since Ferburary, and I am available a lot more then some of the Ambassadors are. I used to have my own server, so I know some of the chat commands.
(I'll start using irc) :)
You don't help in chat much, imo. You're kinda just, there.
I try to help whenever a question is asked, but also sammich, because of the time difference between where you are and I am, It's usually pretty late at night when you are online, so I am not always online when you are.

I'm not usually online when you are sammich.

Funny, because I've seen you on quite a bit. And not helping...
Danielle Malmberg
Oct 12 2012 12:34 AM

Funny, because I've seen you on quite a bit. And not helping...