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Hi I'm Benopro and today I'm trying out for ambassador for survival muttsworld. I commonly go on survival and I've been playing on for about 4 or 5 months. I'm active in all chats. i know how to use all ambassador commands like /set time and /mute g (name). I'm 14 years old and i would like to be a ambassador on survival muttsworldmine.

Thanks -Benopro

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: No


Although you make a great player, I dont think moderator would be a good idea.
Im trying out for ambassador not moderator?
Never seen you help anyone. Ever.
Danielle Malmberg
Sep 20 2012 10:50 AM
Plus they were banned fro griefing a tree that was someones treehouse. You knew what you were doing since the tree was labelled do not grief and that there was a way to the treehouse without ladders. I know it was my treehouse tree you griefed.

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 4

Teamspeak: No

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hi i'm benopro, Today I'm trying out for ambassador on survival Muttsworld. I am 14 years old and I commonly go on survival to have fun. I know all ambassador commands like: Mute, Set time and many more. I always contribute to the chat and I love playing around in auction. When I first got minecraft my friend told me that there was this awesome server Pvp.muttsworldmine.com. I went on it and I Loved it! Until i started to get board. Then I was told about creative muttsworld, On that server a had a whale of a time, When i got board This time I checked out survival. And i will tell you that it was the best of all.

Thanks for taking the time to read this


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Sep 20 2012 02:39 PM
You already have one, do not make another.
No i was digging a tree how could i know anyone Owned It

And i have helped many people but no mods have seen it

Hi i'm benopro, Today I'm trying out for ambassador on survival Muttsworld. I am 14 years old and I commonly go on survival to have fun. I know all ambassador commands like: Mute, Set time and many more. I always contribute to the chat and I love playing around in auction. When I first got minecraft my friend told me that there was this awesome server Pvp.muttsworldmine.com. I went on it and I Loved it! Until i started to get board. Then I was told about creative muttsworld, On that server a had a whale of a time, When i got board This time I checked out survival. And i will tell you that it was the best of all.
This is my new app

I know all ambassador commands like: Mute, Set time and many more.

1. Set time on survival? Nope, that's not an ambassador command.
2. Many more being?
He's confusing ambassador commands on creative with those on survival. Ambassadors there can set time and mute. mumblerit said no, this is pretty much over
ok well i now know that there is no set time and all i have to do now is get someone important to see something?
Sep 21 2012 02:36 PM
You keep messaging me in game to "watch me in help chat"
Really annoying, it's a no from me.