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Chosen server: L2D


I'm going to be honest, I haven't been with the server for more than a week, and that's probably going to get me denied. It's the community that makes me feel welcome. I joined via a friend, and as soon as I joined, everyone was saying Welcome! Have fun! Hello! ​That made me feel ​VERY​welcome. I want to help out the server and be just like the community. When I first joined, I met MtnDoot. He was really nice to me and made me feel super welcome. I've been on the server for about 5 hours today, and I haven't came off of L2D.


I wish to be mod so I can assist people, answer questions, and make sure everyone abides to the rules while enjoying their time on the server. I think I'd be better than other people because I'm new and I knew how it felt not knowing how to get to my pv.


I'm going to be really active from now on. That's probably three to four hours a day. My time zone is GMT+0 and I do have school.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


Hi there! First off, I love your enthusiasm towards joining our team. I'd love to see more of you though, being on the server for less than a week is a short period of time. Try getting even more involved on the forums and on MuttsWorld altogether. Another thing, applying for Moderator is a big jump. I recommend applying for ambassador, and then working your way up to Moderator. Next time you apply, tell us more about what you can do as staff. Your application was great, but I feel like you need more experience on the server.

Best of luck,

    • coolepicminer and BudTheDoge_ like this

Hi there! First off, I love your enthusiasm towards joining our team. I'd love to see more of you though, being on the server for less than a week is a short period of time. Try getting even more involved on the forums and on MuttsWorld altogether. Another thing, applying for Moderator is a big jump. I recommend applying for ambassador, and then working your way up to Moderator. Next time you apply, tell us more about what you can do as staff. Your application was great, but I feel like you need more experience on the server.

Best of luck,

(Im not a staff) But I totally agree with you, Chibi you did all good just as Hermyy said. -BudTheDoge