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I am a regular player & i want to help more because i have been on this server forever.
I want to be an ambassador on the survival server real bad. I know 80% of you will be all like "Dat guy cant be ambassador, he be spastic!" but i would help a lot and do my best! If any mods/admins/ambassadors or anyone know what i can do to improve my errr lets say "maturity" i will take all ur advice on board

Im gonna use IRC now because i never knew it existed and soon i will be able to tick a yes for using IRC.
P.P.S im gonna say 15 months but it could be 2 less or 2 more im not sure.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 15
Teamspeak: No


Ignore this post I derped
Aug 12 2012 11:17 PM
... well i thought i was gonna get some feedback....guess not
You're a funny kid, and I like you.. but no.

I'm sorry, but you spam too much and you don't know when to quit. I don't think you are ready to take on controlling other people's spam when you can't control yourself.
Danielle Malmberg
Aug 13 2012 02:27 PM
Tobo hit the nail on the head
Sep 29 2012 02:59 AM
lawl thanks guys

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application
Hey chazawazza, for all the other mods reading this comment, what he says is true. I see him helping people alot and i belive he should have ambassador.
PS - Mods, plz check out my staff app =D
Love Joel

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 20

Teamspeak: Yes

IRC: Yes

Essay: Hello, chazawazza here applying for Ambassador on the Survival Server. When I started playing on mutts world the staff were nice and the community was very helpful to new players. I had started to love the server because of the staff and community, when people had suggested to me to start trying to become ambassador, I bought diplomat, started to help out in chats, helped out new players and started to apply for ambassador.

I spend about 3 hours a day helping out in chats and with newbies. I am from Australia so not many Mods and Ambassadors are on to see the amount that i help out.

I always help out in all chats, try to keep them spam and caps lock free.

Thank you for you time,


Click here to view the application
sorry to ALL mods, i did not mean to post my staff app so many times, my internet lagged and did not show that i had clicked the save button. if you say that i spammed i did not mean to.

and thanks joel.

sorry to all muttsworld staff :(
Oct 08 2012 06:45 AM
Wants to be ambassador > spams forums
The contrast is deadly.
This app isn't one that makes me be like "ooo, they sound promising."
But it's not "heh, this app sucks."
It's not good, it's not that bad, it's meh.
I am no staff but same as sammich sorry chaz youve been trying for around a year now.
I agree with sammich, it's meh