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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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I just love MuttsWorld so I want to help it out. I am kind and I like to help people out even in the tough times. I double check my work all the time to make sure my answers or my question is to make sure it is what I want to do. I am usually on everyday and I can sometimes go onto TeamSpeak but not all the time. I also know a lot about Mutts but I'm still learning and that's a good thing. So, I just want to help out Mutts with Community Support. Thanks for reading this if you are and hope you think about this!



Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes


If you so wish, to become a part of the staff team. Here's a list of things you could improve to your application :

1 - Atleast mention what server you're applying for.

2 - Make sure to have read this guide " Application Guide " and apply it's indications.

3 - Get rid of the part of the " sad " part ' Even if I don't get approved ' . You've gotta show that you're serious about this, not that you wouldn't care.


In the end, if you wish you to give it another shot, Edit your current application or Reply down below with a new one.

Do not create a whole new thread. Thanks.

    • DisturbdGuy likes this
Jun 22 2017 12:11 PM
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: Yes


I just love MuttsWorld so I want to help it out. I am kind and I like to help people out even in the tough times. I double check my work all the time to make sure my answers or my question is to make sure it is what I want to do. I am usually on everyday and I can sometimes go onto TeamSpeak but not all the time. I also know a lot about Mutts but I'm still learning and that's a good thing. So, I just want to help out Mutts with Community Support. Thanks for reading this if you are and hope you think about this!



Click here to view the application

Hey there.. Nice application .. but did you know that it could be even better?

Especially cause you haven't read this guide like you should..  " Application guide "


If you feel like improving your application ( to make a new one ) Edit the current application OR reply down below with a new one!