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Hello, fellow Muttsworlders! My name is Laura, and I would like to apply for Community Support. I am very festive and I love to have a little party, to hang out with friends and family. I am applying for Community Support because I think I could boost the activity on Muttsworld to a higher level. I used to come on and not know what to do or build, because my plots were mostly full of basic buildings. I did take a break two years ago,but I have come back to stay! Muttsworld is a very kid-friendly, happy place, and I would love to keep it that way! Some details about me are that I enjoy doodling and drawing, playing Minecraft (obviously), and hanging out with my friends. Since it is the summertime for me, I will be on basically all day everyday, so no worries about me not being on for large periods of time. When I brows around on the Internet, I'm either on this site, (surprise surprise .3.) or watching random cat videos on YouTube. So, concluding my essay, I hope you have a fantabulous day!




Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: No