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Hellow there! I have been playing mutts world for about a month and it's amazing. I am about to get Diplomat for 2 months and I'm going to enjoy every bit of it. Being a mod would be amazing. No, i can't use Teamspeak for certain reasons. I'm 11/Half and I have had Minecraft for about 2 months. I get along with other mods (Because they are so nice to me) and I would love to encourage people and help them out with anything they might need help with. Being a mod would just be a boost up. And I would love it.

Thank you!

- Jellydaizy

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


Quick note :
First of all, you can't just instantly become a moderator.
Second of all, being a moderator isn't "just a boost up", being a moderator is a very serious job which requires maturity and experience.
An admin should reach your application soon anyway for their verdict.

There are a number of concerns with this application. For now, I'm just going to say that you should read the staff application guide (click me!) and then reply to this thread with an update. DO NOT post a new application.

For the past 2-3 weeks, I actually got 3 months Diplomat and Teamspeak since it might be required for me to get (To try to get the position)  

Yes, I was incorrect  about it "Just being a boost up" It is a real big responsibility and I know that but I just said the incorrect words. I am underage..  and I may not be responsible because I am a "Kid" but I feel like this might be something I could handle. Yes, I understand if I don't get the position just because those mistakes and those reasons  and honestly any position would be fine. I know I  can't just instantly become a moderator because it requires a lot of hard work and experience to be one. I am just trying to follow the requirements for the community staff. I don't post stuff on the Muttsworld forum but I have been on a different forum for 3 Years. So I have some Experience about posting stuff on forums. Other than that I understand if  I don't get it.

- Jellydaizy 


Are you a Diplomat?: Yes


Vote: I usually vote! 


Months of MuttsWorld: Aaa- about 10 months



Teamspeak: Yes

My name is Jellydaizy (Or Salty/Jade anyone is fine) I want to apply for Creative staff- I've been playing Mutts for about 10 months now and I enjoy it to a great extent. I am turning 12 in about a few months. I help out in all situations that I can and have good relations with the players. I've donated at least twice I believe- I have a creative title and have had Diplo for around 7-8 months. I would also be able to attend staff meetings considering I own both Discord and Teamspeak. I am an active player on mutts with daily hourly activity to be around 3-4 hours. I feel that I'm mature enough to handle a job as an ambassador. Of course, I'd take this job very seriously but still joke around with the players as I would per usual. I am aware of all of the rules of the server and would be able to enforce them with ease. I would also not be afraid to take control of a situation and decide the right thing to do; whether that is a warning, a mute, or to notify a higher member of staff. Thanks for taking your time to read this! 
- Jellydaizy
    • Sikur likes this

Goodluck babe <3

    • M1LK likes this

Goodluck babe <3

Aaa thanks babe !! <3

Nice application daughter 64!  

    • M1LK likes this

Some people make their own luck, heh =P

    • ModernArnis and M1LK like this


And also- thanks, mom !!