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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hi, I'm Ewillawin. :)


I am applying for Creative Community Staff because I believe that more events will attract more players to our server, I would like to be part of hosting events as I think that I have already some ideas in mind. I'm currently an Ambassador on Creative and I thought I'd give it a try on applying for Community Staff.


I've taken part in helping some of xElement's events like her hide and seek and spleef tournaments, not to forget the Theatre challenge. I found them great fun and have learnt from xElement a lot. I'm online most of the day as I have no life to be honest :). I finish school at 5pm (English Time Zone) and I'm on almost every weekend (On Wednesday I finish at 3pm). Most of the time I'm on teamspeak but I am quite shy when I first get on it. About the voting, I do vote sometimes but my laptop is very old and it normally freezes or takes a while for me to vote (I'm getting a new laptop soon so that will result in me voting more often), I'm probably not your first choice of somebody for this role but I feel like if I was given the chance I can show you what I can do :)


Thank you for reading my application,


Have a good day! -Erin <3

  • piggypotter113 and xElement like this

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 30
Teamspeak: Yes


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 30

Teamspeak: Yes


Hi, I'm Ewillawin. :)


I am applying for Creative Community Staff because I believe that more events will attract more players to our server, I would like to be part of hosting events as I think that I have already some ideas in mind. I'm currently an Ambassador on Creative and I thought I'd give it a try on applying for Community Staff.


I've taken part in helping some of xElement's events like her hide and seek and spleef tournaments, not to forget the Theatre challenge. I found them great fun and have learnt from her a lot. I'm online most of the day as I have no life to be honest :). I finish school at 5pm (English Time Zone) and I'm on almost every weekend (On Wednesday I finish at 3pm). Most of the time I'm on teamspeak but I am quite shy when I first get on it. About the voting, I do vote sometimes but my laptop is very old and it normally freezes or takes a while for me to vote (I'm getting a new laptop soon so that will result in me voting more often), I'm probably not your first choice of somebody for this role but I feel like if I was given the chance I can show you what I can do :)


Thank you for reading my application,


Have a good day! -Erin <3

Click here to view the application

    • piggypotter113 and xElement like this