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Okay. So, this is probably going to be a long one, but I hope who ever reading this can get a good grip on what I'm saying. I used to play on Mutts all the time. My IGNs were "Mockingjay0429" and "__Lilly__". I would like to say I was pretty involved in the server, let alone participating with staff and members whenever I could. I remember when I started playing Mutts in 2014 (give or take a few) and I instantly fell in love with how staff and common players interacted with each other. It was a 24/7 flourishing server, and I probably went on it about 6-7 hours a day. I remember applying for staff a couple of time, and getting great feedback, which fortunately persuaded me to upgrade to Diplo. I believe I was Diplo for the rest of the time on the server, and just playing everyday lead me to give up the idea of a rank and just welcome people and help out whenever I could because it was fun, and as extreme as this sounds, Mutts felt like an actual home, or place I could go to whenever I was upset. Then, I kind of got caught up in school and my life in general, and eventually lost the time to play Minecraft. About 3 months ago, I bought a new account, and immediately came to check up on the server. I noticed people weren't buzzing in the lobby, and the iconic mini parkour wasn't there. The server signs didn't work and they were all the same color. To be honest, I was kind of sad to see my favorite place become so worn out. I then proceeded to go onto Survival and Creative. The chat wasn't blowing up in Creative with RP advertisements and no one was barely in Survival. I miss when staff like Rain and Green interacted with players and made the game so enjoyable for all ages. From TeamSpeak, to this website, everyone knew everyone. So, enough of my backstory, here's my official statement. I would love to get this server thriving like it used to, anyway I can, regardless of a title. But, I would like to apply for Ambass, or Mod, or anything willing to give me a little bit of an "upper hand" to help out. I really hope we all can get this server buzzing again, because I really miss everything about it

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: Yes


So... I didn't read this, first of all. I just wanted to ask why you decided to create a new forum account when you had an old one, complete with your original applications.


See, if you read the guideline on applications, you'd have noticed that you're supposed to reply to or edit prior applications, not file new.