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Plugin Suggestion: Punishmental for L2D

I want this plugin to be added to the L2D server. Us mods/admins should have permission to all punish commands. This plugin is used on many servers. Famous YouTubers use this plugin a lot. Here's the link to it: http://dev.bukkit.or...s/punishmental/


Relationship: L2D plugins
Status: Open


However simple plugins like vanish were misused....
I love it too
However I not sure all staff have the maturity to access such things.

Plus I brought this up in staff IRC as well a few weeks ago.

I'D like to offer assistance to ANY staff not already able to access staff IRC assistance.
    • 1Speed likes this

That's reasonable. Maybe it can be added still but only for certain staff members can use it

Punishmental sends tons of data packets to players, and can overload players on older or worse computers.  I tested it before and there are some commands that mess up your location and require you relog.

I don't see how this plugin would be beneficial when you can just ban or mute the player.

This seems like the type of plugin that you'd put on a small server with friends to mess around.