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http://dev.bukkit.or...antiadvertiser/ not sure what you think about this plugin, but I just thought you could consider it. If anybody spams an IP to another server, it automatically kicks them from the server, sending the message to an OP or ambassador. Nobody else in the chat will see the message.


Status: Open


Jan 25 2013 09:16 AM

one of the reasons we have noob chat is so that all the advertisement stays in noob chat.

So, /leave n

    • 1234567890 likes this
one of the reasons we have noob chat is so that all the advertisement stays in noob chat.
So, /leave n
Yes, but noob chat is for new players, so receiving the spammed IP message will drive new players away.

one of the reasons we have noob chat is so that all the advertisement stays in noob chat.
So, /leave n

Some people are smart enough to go into other channels.
Some people are smart enough to go into other channels.


that very rarely happens.

Jan 25 2013 11:07 AM
Sammich, sum the tasks of an ambassador.
I'm pretty sure denoobing people is in there.
Jan 25 2013 12:09 PM

Sammich, sum the tasks of an ambassador.
I'm pretty sure denoobing people is in there.

That and muting people, doesn't take a degree, jeez

Advertising isn't really that big of an issue to constitute a complete separate plugin for it..

Didn't ips used to censor to survival's ip?