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Tekkit Quickshop and Stacker plugin duping issue.

When I drop an item close to the shop that's the same as the item on the shop, the server stacks them and makes two items. The duped item doesn't disappear after a relog. If the pics aren't enough I'll try to post a video.


Attached Image: 2013-03-20_20.29.26.png Attached Image: 2013-03-20_20.29.32.png Attached Image: 2013-03-20_20.29.38.png


Attached Image: 2013-03-20_20.29.26.png Attached Image: 2013-03-20_20.29.32.png Attached Image: 2013-03-20_20.29.38.png

Relationship: tekkit server issues
Status: Accepted


Mar 20 2013 02:42 PM

Edit: this doesn't work on tools. Or any item that doesn't stack.

Time to play tekkit
    • sammich98 likes this

The plugin author tried a few fixes for the exploitation of this bug in later versions of the plugin. I have the code laying around on my computer, maybe I should get my act together and finally back-port them into the 1.2.5 version now that you've made it public.

Netti is currently looking at some alternatives to tekkit, as development seems to have stalled, but if we could backport these changes we might as well put them in.