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EM issue

I have four brewing stands in my inventory and EM keeps telling me that i don't have any when i try to sell them.


Attached Image: Capture.JPG

Status: Fixed


Same happened to me when I tried to sell player heads on pvp. This needs a fix quickly
Feb 18 2013 11:22 PM


It actually does this for quite a few items, not only brewing stands. I usually have problems selling bows (not damaged).

Enchanted? Not had a problem selling normal bows myself as of yet.

use "bstand" for brewing stand

If the name you think it is, doesn't work, try looking up the datavalue and using that:



for things like planks of different colors, put an  : and then the sub-data value

Example: Jungle Wood Planks:  5:3

If you need the data value in game use //l item - For example: //l diamond or //l brick - It'll match your query to anything in the EM with the same name. Not 100% accurate for every single item but it is the quickest way to search and get the data value at the same time.
    • mumblerit and kittycupcake like this
Feb 19 2013 01:26 PM

What synthet1k said is prolly the best thing to do, but sometimes it takes time to find items (Like Circle stone brick). Other than that I think we should have a command like what /teamspeak would do, that just gives you a link to this:

    • synthet1k likes this

Plus one to the above. Would indeed be very handy for those items that don't return on a normal EM search via the commands.