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Disappearing Drops

Dear Muttsworld,

I was harvesting some pumpkins with an efficiency III axe and I chopped a few hundred of them yet I received less than half a stack in my inventory. I did some more investigating and found that this is happening with most other types of drops, dirt, wood, glowstone. It seems that if you quickly mine some items, they group up and just disappear. This pretty much makes efficiency enchants useless if you are after the drops. It also happens using no tools at all, like punching sugarcane and wheat. you run along punching sugarcane expecting to receive a stack or more but you find that you have collected less than 10. The only way it seems to be sure and counter this is to harvest the block 1 at a time, waiting for each to drop before moving on to the next one. For farmers who need to efficiently mine blocks to have some measure of competitiveness this breaks the game for them.

A number of people have complained about this so I am not alone when I respectfully request this issue be further investigated and addressed.

  • EvilSpock likes this


Relationship: BUG REPORTS
Status: Fixed


Found a help forum topic with user reports here:




I don't recall the exact time the problem started happening, I estimate around Friday 1/4/13. Logically something must have changed on the server near that time, I believe that coincides with the nether issues. 

    • Ale40 likes this
Jan 06 2013 02:45 PM

Indeed, the deed has been done.

I think that link contains helpful information. Most indeed. *strokes kitty*