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There were 3 results tagged with creative

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  1. Plotme

    PlotMe is the central building plugin on the MuttsWorld Creative server. Plots on the creative server are 50x50 and allowing Freebuilders to claim up to 2 plots and Diplomats up to 5 plots. Extra plots are also available for purchase in the store http://www.muttsworl...3-3-more-plots/

    Basic Commands:

    /p auto - automatically claims a plot
    /p claim - claims the plot you are standing above
    /p clear - clears your plot
    /p add <player> - gives a player building permissions on your plot for 150 mums
    /p deny <player> - prevents a player from entering your plot
    /p remove <player> - removes players building permissions on your plot
    /p comment - leaves a comment on the plot you are standing above
    /p comments - view comments on your plot or the plot you are standing above

    If you need mums vote for the server at http://bit.ly/vote4mw ! Moderators will not ban players for plot grief so please only add players to your plots that you can trust.

    • Oct 01 2014 06:06 PM
    • by railguy_
  2. Legend Chat

    Legend Chat



    Legendchat is the chat plugin used across MuttsWorld's servers for channel-based chat. Commands below are listed by their version. To view the version of Legendchat, type /version Legendchat




    /afk - Mark or unmark yourself as AFK. Players will be notified that you are AFK when they send you a tell.
    /channel - Show the list of available channels on the server. Alias: /ch
    /channel <channel/alias> - Change your channel focus to one of the available channels. Example: /ch g
    /<channel/alias> <message> - Send a single message to a channel. Example: /g Hello, everyone!
    /mute <channel/alias> - Hide or unhide messages from one of the available channels. Example: /mute noob
    /ignore <player> - Hide or unhide messages from an online player. Example: /ignore Notch
    /reply <message> - Send a quick reply to a player. Alias: /r Example: /reply Hey, be right there!


    *NOTE: Alias /r does not work on MuttsWorld Creative.
    /tell <player> - Initiate private messages with an online player. Locks future messages to tell with the player. To toggle off, type /tell again. Aliases: /whisper, /msg, /pm, /t, /w Example: /w Notch
    /tell <player> <message> - Send a single message to an online player. Example: /w Notch Hi! Want to go exploring?



    /hide <channel> - This command replaces /mute in previous versions of Legendchat. Its syntax and functionality are the same. Example: /hide noob
    /who <channel> - List all players who can see messages in a channel. Example: /who local

  3. Echopet

    EchoPet gives you a pet!

    Commands for all players:

    /pet wolf
    /pet name
    /pet hat
    /pet remove

    Commands for all players:

    /pet ocelot
    /pet name
    /pet hat
    /pet remove

    Commands for all players:

    /pet ocelot
    /pet name
    /pet hat
    /pet remove

    Diplomats have almost all pet commands, type /pet help for more!