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There were 7 results tagged with survival

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  1. Stables

    Survival Server


    /horses - Gives a link to the Stables tutorial video (Recommended viewing) : http://goo.gl/qZIMRm
    /stables - shows available commands



    • store - After typing hit your horse with your hand to store it.
    • view - See a list of horses you have stored.
    • recover # - Retrieve a horse you have stored.
    • list - Shows a list of all your horses in or out of stables.
    • addrider name - Add the name of another player who is allowed to ride your horse.
    • delrider name - Removes the name of another player from riding your horse.
    • abandon name - Releases the horse by that name from your ownership.
    • Lead - 4 strings + 1 slimeball
    Posted Image
    • Nametag - 2 paper + 1 string in a diagonal
    Posted Image
    • Saddle - 5 leather + 3 iron ingots
    Posted Image
    • Armour - 6 ingots(gold or iron)/diamonds + 1 wool
    Posted Image
    Posted Image
    Posted Image

    • Apr 11 2016 09:13 AM
    • by Vidad
  2. Population Density (Villages/region Posts)

    Population Density automatically assigns wilderness starting areas for new players.

    Basic commands:

    /Village -Where you first start off. This will be your home region.
    /MoveIn -Sets your home region.
    /HomeRegion -Teleports you to your /village.
    /WhichRegion -Tells you which region you are in.
    /InviteToRegion -Invites a player to teleport to your village.
    /AcceptRegionInvite -Accepts the above invitation.
    /VisitRegion -Teleports you to the region you specify.
    /RandomRegion -Teleports you to a random region.

    Advanced Info:

    Population Density is used to spread players throughout the server. Every few hours the "newestregion" is scanned for playermade blocks. Upon finding a threshold of blocks the region is moved to the next area. Areas are defined as 400x400 block areas with a region post in the center. They spiral outwards from the center of the map. New players typing /village are placed in the "newestregion". This is now their "village" or "homeregion"

  3. Paintball

    Paintball is available on the Creative server all players to enjoy. Paintball is a minigame where with the use of snowballs and maps made by our players and staff we create an enjoyable paintball experience.


    Basic Commands:


    /pb join - Joins the paintball queue
    /pb vote [id] - vote for a map
    /pb top - shows top 10 players in the
    /pb spec - spectate a game in progress


    You can level yourself through the ranks in the minigame, everytime you advance in rank you will receive PaintBall cash and unlock new items from the shop. The shop interface is accessible while in a game where you can purchase add-ons such as extra ammo, rocket launchers, grenades and other items.

  4. Legend Chat

    Legend Chat



    Legendchat is the chat plugin used across MuttsWorld's servers for channel-based chat. Commands below are listed by their version. To view the version of Legendchat, type /version Legendchat




    /afk - Mark or unmark yourself as AFK. Players will be notified that you are AFK when they send you a tell.
    /channel - Show the list of available channels on the server. Alias: /ch
    /channel <channel/alias> - Change your channel focus to one of the available channels. Example: /ch g
    /<channel/alias> <message> - Send a single message to a channel. Example: /g Hello, everyone!
    /mute <channel/alias> - Hide or unhide messages from one of the available channels. Example: /mute noob
    /ignore <player> - Hide or unhide messages from an online player. Example: /ignore Notch
    /reply <message> - Send a quick reply to a player. Alias: /r Example: /reply Hey, be right there!


    *NOTE: Alias /r does not work on MuttsWorld Creative.
    /tell <player> - Initiate private messages with an online player. Locks future messages to tell with the player. To toggle off, type /tell again. Aliases: /whisper, /msg, /pm, /t, /w Example: /w Notch
    /tell <player> <message> - Send a single message to an online player. Example: /w Notch Hi! Want to go exploring?



    /hide <channel> - This command replaces /mute in previous versions of Legendchat. Its syntax and functionality are the same. Example: /hide noob
    /who <channel> - List all players who can see messages in a channel. Example: /who local

  5. Jobs

    Jobs plugin pays you every 30 minutes for breaking, placing, killing, brewing, and more. As you get higher level jobs you will get higher incomes.

    Basic Commands:

    /jobs - To see main jobs screen.
    /jobs browse - View a list of the available jobs.
    /jobs join [job name] - Join the job.
    /jobs leave [job name] - Leave the job.
    /jobs info [job name] [break, place, kill] - view information about that job.
    /jobs stats - view your job level and experience needed to level up.


    -Earns money felling and planting trees.

    -Earns money mining minerals and ores.

    -Earns money for terraforming the world.

    -Earns money farming crops.

    -Earns money killing animals and monsters.

    -Earns money brewing potions.

    -Earns money enchanting weapons.

  6. Globalmarket

    On the MuttsWorld Survival, PvP, L2D and Towny servers we use the the GlobalMarket interface. Using the market can help prevent scamming and is a good way to sell items to players while offline.

    Basic Commands:

    /market listings - lists items available on the market
    /market send <player> sends the item in your hand to another player (Survival, Skyblock, and Towny only)
    /market create <price> - lists the item you are currently holding in your hand
    /market mail - view your market mailbox (Survival and Towny only)

    MuttsWorld Market Tutorial:

    • Oct 01 2014 06:08 PM
    • by railguy_
  7. Echopet

    EchoPet gives you a pet!

    Commands for all players:

    /pet wolf
    /pet name
    /pet hat
    /pet remove

    Commands for all players:

    /pet ocelot
    /pet name
    /pet hat
    /pet remove

    Commands for all players:

    /pet ocelot
    /pet name
    /pet hat
    /pet remove

    Diplomats have almost all pet commands, type /pet help for more!