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Hello i am Sander de Leng, better known as daslicer. I am a 18 years old student living in the Netherlands.

I would like to apply for the job of ambassador on the survival server. This because i want to feel all players, new or old, feel welcome to this server. I want to achieve this by helping them with the questions they ask and keeping the channels free from players who abuse the chat (like spamming, advertising, insulting people etc.). I believe i can handle the most difficult situations because i also encounter them in my daily life ( beside studying i also work in a restaurant where people can be annoying and rude, i always try to respect their believes and i will not be rude against them, even though they can be rude against me). i am almost daily online and i always watch all the channels and try to help people when possible. I am using teamspeak pretty often lately. the only thing i do not regularly use is IRC. i will try to become more helpful on that platform aswell.

I thank you for reading my application and i hope you will consider me. I am aware of the fact that being ambassador can ruin the gaming experience of muttsworld, but i am okay with this.

sander de leng

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes



However, you spend a lot of time building and not helping in chat. You help people like 1/5th of the time.. Need to be on teamspeak and IRC more too. Gets lonely this time of day.


half true.. i do spend a lot of time building stuff but helping 1/5th of time isn't true ( i can be afk for a while and when i'm afk i can't help others of course)  i know i need to be more online on those platform and im working on it.

I'm closing this since you decided to make a new one.