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Im just hoping i can join staff so i can get a little more in to muttsworldmine because your the best server so far

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


1. Staff are required to either use Teamspeak or Irc. Preferably both. We need ways of communication outside of Minecraft.
2. You've only been here here a month, I'd wait a few before thinking about a staff position, I don't think I've ever even heard of you.

Just enjoy playing as a normal player, you will probably get more enjoyment out of the game if you stick with that.
OK thanks for the info see you on the Server!
Butter if you are banned from the server staff is not an option
well im not anymore
Dude you not only posted THREE staff application but you ESSAY is not even 2 sentence!

Read the staff application posted by chaos before posting -1
I've deleted the others. I don't expect to see more.

As for what Danielle said, if you are banned from our servers, even if you were pardoned, your chances still drop to very low to none.

well im not anymore

I curious who unbanned you, because i was looking at all your blocks before I banned you and you griefed multiple locations. So yeah who unbanned you? DId you even appeal the ban?
Locked & Denied
guys im sorry i look like a mess