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Age: 11

Which server(s) are you applying for? Survival

Which position you're applying for: Ambassador/Moderator

How long have you been a part of the server/forums? consistently for over 5 months but only a few weeks on the forums

Have you had any experience as staff on other servers? Yes

Are you familiar with some of the server plug-ins staff members use? I can use Herochat and im very pro with worldedit. Also i know almost all the regular commands from everything

Why do you think you should be a moderator/ambassador on this server?
Im almost online 1 hour everyday. I saw that only Vindictr and Dragonshear were online when i was online.- I am online just the whole day and sometimes only the evening or morning. I really like to help people so i would be a good chat moderator.

[Yes/No] You use the following services that other community members use:

Hi, im internetkabel. I use IRC every 3 days like 1 hour. I really want to be a ambassador because i heard the nice storys from the others. I really wanna try to help everyone on this lovely server. If i get ambassador i want to be called ambassakabel. Im very enthusiastic and also curious how it is to be a ambassakabel. I can also be the Joker cause i really like to make some jokes. But this Staff Application is for staff and the Joker is a new thing for mumble. Please tell me if i can mean something for Muttsworld (this is also a application for being a Moderator)

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes


You're a bit too young for a staff position just yet. You can always be helpful to others in game without being an ambassador by answering questions and such. You should just enjoy the game as it is for now, without making it a job.
Actually that i was 11 isnt good because my brother entered that but im actually 16 so its pretty stupid
Using IRC every 3 days an hour counts as not using it.
I have also no memory of you being in Teamspeak.

And that you let your 11Y old brother type this out?
Double no that was not it, i wrote it but my brother thats not '11' said that i'am 11. Im on teamspeak sometimes when you are not online so i dont think you saw it and i dont use it much times. I also can use IRC more if you want that. Please respond fast =)

Double no that was not it, i wrote it but my brother thats not '11' said that i'am 11. Im on teamspeak sometimes when you are not online so i dont think you saw it and i dont use it much times. I also can use IRC more if you want that. Please respond fast =)

So, your brother(Who's not 11) said you're 11 on an application he didn't write, when you're not really 11?

If you are on Teamspeak, and can talk to one of us. I'm pretty sure we will be able to tell if you're actually 16 or not.
x-ray ban on pvp anyone?
woejipums, this is a staff appeal not ban appeal!
And know i now what teamspeak is but my english is a little bad so i think this appeal is only for ambassador again!

-16 year old internetkabel