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As most poeple already know, I'm Stirling_STG a Ambassador for the Mutts Survival Server. I have been honred to have been selected to become Ambrassodor for amazing Server and community. There has been no such server like this one. In nature I'm a very helpful person, always tried my hardest to help others in need. I would like this application to be considered for Mod for Survival if and when there is a space for one another. I am happy to continue being a ambrassodor. There are time where my helpful side has to take a back seat as being a ambassodor due to limitations. Being part of this wonderful team has been great, I am privileged to have been trusted enough to be a abasssodor. I would like to extend my gratitude to the other staff members on their work they do. I would like the payback this honor. If I am considered to be made Mod, I wouldn't abuse the powers I'll been given, in line you wouldnt regret your decision.


Thank you for taking your time to read this application.





Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 31
Teamspeak: No


Glad to see you taking further interest in the server, Ill be in touch :D