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My name is master_squad12, the reason I want to apply for a staff member rank on L2d is to help this server become a better server within the eyes of the other players. Right now i see it to be dying but i want to help rebuild the new L2d into a popular server. In this application I will not use my powers for abuse in any way to the players of L2d. To show you i have what it takes to be ambassador I do know what you can do to help players get started and what they need to know like /kit starter, /kit noob,/ch g, l , serverwide and /ah. Also i'm a very active player in chat, and on the server. About everyday if i'm not doing something in my personal life I am on MuttsWorld server L2d and i experience the ways things go and how the server is ran. I do help players that ask for help, most of the time if you haven't seen me doing it already you will see me give tips and advice to the players that need help. Well thank you for taking the time to read my essay for a staff member rank on L2d, I hope you will accept me, have a great day.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: No


Nice App! Try reading this, https://www.muttswor...f-position-r346 , check over your paragraph, and check for any false information, spelling errors, and grammar :)