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​Hi! My name is Isa, My username is Black_Badger, and I am currently 13 years old. I am in 7th grade honors classes and taking my 9th grade algebra course. I believe I started coming on mutts in 2015. Even though I know Mutts is currently not short on staff, I've been told I should apply. I understand the basic rules a Mutts and still tend to enforce them even though I am not staff. I believe I have been muted twice, but only for one too many exclamation marks! Although I may not be on as often, I still try to get on as much as I can. Emotional and family issues do tend to make things a bit harder but I'm still willing to give it a shot! Attending meetings and such may be difficult at times due to school work and family but I can definitely try my hardest to keep up with things. About my personality. If you don't already know I'm kind of.. dorky and can be clueless at times, (Partially because I miss out on specific things) but, I try to learn more as I go. I'm can be my silly, dorky self but I can be serious when needed. I don't take everything as a joke, especially when its not to be joked about. Handling rude players or any who disobey the rules. I would originally give them an warning and if they continue to do disobey rules or continue to be rude, mute is a possible option but only if its fitting for what they're doing wrong. Because I typically second guess myself I will probably ask another staff member if certain punishments would be acceptable under the circumstances. Not too harsh but not letting them get away with what they're doing wrong. I do have discord (Badger#5101) just in case I need to be contacted. Thank you for your consideration.


Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 35
Teamspeak: Yes


Beautiful Application! One or two grammatical errors, but other than that, it's very good :)