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Hi my name is Thomas I am a minecrafter who has years of minecraft experience. I have been a modderator on a few different servers such as the now dead server s.otho.us, i was on the server map build-team and an admin. I also have experience being the mod for the server pitcairn.dyndns.org. I have experience in building mega structures such as a current attempt at building the spaceship "Prometheus". I am involved in my comunity having a job at the age of 13 and being a blackbelt and in two years when I am going to be an Emergency medical Technition, or EMT. I was introduced to this server by my cousin "Nidust" this server would surely benifit from an experienced server mod as my self, because I know what its like; we dont just get to swim in diamonds, its work allways fixing griefs and answering modrequests. So please choose me as a server moderator.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 16
Teamspeak: No


I cannot say ive seen you online

I'd recommend checking your spelling on this.

And I can't say I've ever seen your name. Do you keep to yourself alot?