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Story cover



Story cover

Without reading this you will be confused: This is cover art for a story that my friend and I made. The story is about two teens that travel through time and space on a time traveling jetpack. (If you want to see the jetpack concept art tell me in the comments) This is their first adventure, as they travel back in time to when the great pyramid was being build (the cover art) and when that doesn't go well, they go to when King Tut was having his to,b made. King Tut is actually a minion for the bad guy named Temporo, and he turns into a horrible creature named Tutinstein by night. When my character accidentally kills Tut, they go to the finished great pyramid where Temporo is. It turns out that the pyramid is his space ship, and he is trying to use it to leave Earth. The teen duo stops him from stealing the pyramid, and Temporo gets away. Thank you for understanding!

    Hey Sethster,

    I love the art.  I do want to see the jet pack concept drawings.  Keep it up.


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    Okie dokie
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    Hey Sethster,

    I love the art.  I do want to see the jet pack concept drawings.  Keep it up.


    The jetpack graphics are posted.

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