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Yes, We Reset Survival

The rumors are true, Survival has been reset!

Heres to answer all your questions:


Why did the Survival Server Reset?
The Survival Server reset has been long overdue, and we waiting until Microsoft released 1.11 to do so.


What about my builds?
You will be able to download the old map. Ill paste the link here when its up and running again.


New Plugin
Grief Prevention. Learn about it here: GriefPrevention HOW-TO This plugin will be used to protect players land. All players will start out with 150 blocks and get 100 each hour you play the server. You can also buy blocks with mums.


Other Things:
Additionally, some changes happened. SURVIVAL MUMS HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED FROM THE REST OF THE SERVERS! No, this does not mean you lost all your mums, as they appear on all the other servers. However, this does mean your mums FOR SURVIVAL ONLY have been set back to 300. This will even the playing field, as its not fair for a multi mullion mum player to be starting off on the same server as a new player with 28 mums...


Lastly, PVP HAS BEEN ENABLED IN THE NETHER. Will explain more about it in a new post.


SPAWNERS CANT BE MINED FOR RIGHT NOW, its a bug we are working on. In the meantime, staff will not reimburse you for a spawner you broke.


Stay tuned, more information to come....