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Winter Festival 2017 Announcement!

Winter Festival coming to Creative! Please join us for fun games and prizes!

It's official! Lasting from December 18th to December 22nd 2017, the MuttsWorld Community team will be hosting the Winter Festival!


Come join us then to participate in fun events to win tickets, and use the tickets to earn prizes like titles, and the opportunity to dunk an online staff member of your choice in the Dunk Tank! Players can have the opportunity to play in events such as:


-Never Have I Ever! The popular game comes to the Winter Festival as a fun way to earn rewards!
-The Puzzle Tower! The famous tower brought by oChaz is in the Festival for your enjoyment!
-Capture the Flag! You loved it on its own, now play in a new map with your festive friends!
-The Photo Booth! This can be used at any time during the Festival's duration. Snap a screenshot with friends, or just be silly by yourself!


And much, much more! There will be fourteen events that you can earn tickets at, and 8* solo events!


Remember to be here on December 18th through the 22nd to see the Winter Festival for yourself! And remember to join us on the 20th for an awesome, fun-filled day with tickets, events, and a huge Winter Festival Feast and Fireworks at the end hosted by yours truly!


We hope to see you all there! And remember, the schedule is:


-December 18th: Solo events
-December 19th: Solo events
-December 20th: Staff-hosted events where you're able to earn tickets!
-December 21st: Solo events and last-minute ticket exchange
-December 22nd: Solo events and last-minute ticket exchange
Happy travels, happy Christmas, and remember to join us on those days!


*Solo events include events that you can do and practice by yourself, but will include events that will be hosted by staff on the 20th.