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A Change In Focus For L2d

Hey there, zombie killers of MuttsWorld!

Some of you may have noticed a rather big and rather sudden change on the L2D server.
Clans and PVP have been removed.

In the interest of keeping this post short, I'll stick to the main points:
  • PVP was not contributing to the server as we had hoped. It was causing difficulties among players who felt it had no place in L2D, which is traditionally modeled after a video game of a similar name in which players cooperate.
  • With the focus shifted back to pure PVE, we feel we can do a better job of improving the overall L2D experience. Fewer distractions from trying to balance it with a PVP effort that wasn't panning out.
We understand that some of you won't be happy with this change, but we ask that you not make a big fuss. This decision was not made lightly. It was the subject of an extensive debate among the senior staff members and Admins.

We look forward to continuing to improve our servers to provide the best gaming experience possible for all our players!