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Minecraft Story Mode Launches Today!

There have been plenty of "Minecraft for 'x' device" launches, but today we welcome the first new, original release in the Minecraft universe, courtesy of Telltale Games. Read on for more info:
Telltale Games are the same folks who brought you an episodic game for both TV's The Walking Dead and video game's Borderlands. This time they take on Minecraft in a digital-first game called Minecraft: Story Mode (A Telltale Games Series).

The story will follow players (just like you!) as they play Minecraft together. But something is very wrong in the Minecraft world. It's up to the main character and his or her friends to save it. They'll need to explore, craft, build, solve puzzles and more in their search for a legendary group of players: The Order of the Stone. Then it's off to save the (Minecraft) world! You can check out a trailer by clicking here.

The game is available today as a digital download for your favorite gaming platform of choice. In two weeks, it will be available as a physical disc release for XBox 360 and One, as well as PlayStation 3 and 4.