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MCTrade for Pvp?

So, Since pvp doesn't have a shop/trading plugin, I thought I would throw this out there.

All the information about the plugin and its features are on the devbukkit here; http://dev.bukkit.or...r-mods/mctrade/

Here is a quote from foghead;

"MCTrade has been tested locally and by friend on bukkit servers and using local WAMPSERVERS to test the database and website and all seems good to go!

I hope that you guys can find a use for a plugin that is much like WebAuction, but better maintained, and less prone to abuse using it, such as by being able to store your items without selling them. Plus I mean it's open source"

Thanks mumble :^)


Status: Closed


tested by 2 people isnt the level of testing we require tbh.