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L2D plugins

L2D really needs logblock I had 14 diamond blocks griefed from my plot and spent like 2-3 hours trying to figure out who it was, another incedent where logblock wold have been helpful was when someone changed the sandstone letters from FOOD to F***. also a lot of people were hoping to have the clan plugin come back.


Status: Open


remove people from your plots.....
Aug 14 2012 07:44 AM
We do need LogBlock in case someone trys to spam. A few weeks ago, I had an encounter with a player who just spammed swastikas everywhere. I couldn't do anyting about it. Someone changed the food sign on the Grocery store to F**k, couldn't nothing bc I didnt know who it was.

Clans are coming back, we are just waiting for Bybloss to install it *COUGH COUGH*
i was also under the assumption that the plots were protected

additionally the server resets every 2 hours so rollbacks would be of limited use, tracking people who make swastikas would be the only use.. although the limited area means most locations will have tons of logs unless they are wiped every 2 hours wheen the server resets
plots are protected.

As mumble said , it would be virtually useless outside of plotworld . I just dont feel we need to use space on something that isnt that big of a problem (yet)