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Residents seeing Diplochat

Hugill brought it to my attention that residents could read diplochat. At the very beginning of the new Mumblechat, when it was still being worked on, I was resident and could read diplochat, but I thought it had since been fixed... really have no idea.... just thought should know.. anyways here a pic.


Attached Image: Diplo chat.png

Status: Closed


That ruins the specialty of it and noobs will just reply in global chat and derp things up
./durpban hugill d
So you dont want to be able to laugh at noobs privately in a different chat? Das my favorite thing....evur.
I believe in the only resident who can see the diplo chat but I am not certain of this.
doesnt seem to be a major issue.
Hugill be stealin' mah signatures

I also had this issue way way back hugill