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Quoting smileys on forum

The subject says it all. When you quote someone's post, which contains an image of a smiley, you get a wall of text (encoded image data) instead of a smiley.

Example in the attached image, which can also be accessed here:


Attached Image: quote.png

Status: Closed


I brought this up a pretty damn long time ago and no one seemed to care :/
Before we didn't have this posh bug report system, so it'll be harder for mumble to ignore it now.
protip: delete the smiley from the quote you're trying to quote

protip: delete the smiley from the quote you're trying to quote

While that is a very pro advice and I use it all the time (though most of the time I forget about this bug, post my message and only then edit out the smiley), not many people follow it and the threads look unnecessarily ridiculous, especially if they quote someone with several smileys.
I'm famous. I recommend snipping smileys

While that is a very pro advice and I use it all the time (though most of the time I forget about this bug, post my message and only then edit out the smiley), not many people follow it and the threads look unnecessarily ridiculous, especially if they quote someone with several smileys.

Yeah it does need to be fixed, I was just suggesting a temp fix.
needs to be resolved in ip board, not much i can do