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Cant reach server

i cant reach the survival server


Relationship: BUG REPORTS
Status: Rejected


cant rech server
It appears survival is down atm
Sep 09 2012 05:56 PM
Next time just http://muttsworldmin...ecraft/irc.html

we love to talk to you, providing you don't leave within 3 seconds of asking your question.
Ive been for some reason banned for 48 hours for pranking somebody by putting a pumpkin man in their base telling that i will blow their base with tnt. But, it was just a prank i didn't mean to blow anything up. So ive been banned for 48 hours and its been almost a week since i cant login it still says 48 hours.Can somebody plz help me? so the staff can see this comment?
Scaryhawx, post your appeal here: http://muttsworldmin...ort&section=new

It will be dealt with much faster
closing useless topic for total uselessnessness
Ive been for some reason banned for 48 hours for pranking somebody by putting a pumpkin man in their base telling that i will blow their base with tnt. But, it was just a prank i didn't mean to blow anything up. So ive been banned for 48 hours and its been almost a week since i cant login it still says 48 hours.Can somebody plz help me? so the staff can see this comment?

Make a ban appeal here:




Also, talking on random forums that have nothing to do with what you are they are saying will make sure that you don't get unbanned.