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Cake glitch

There has been this glitch for a little while now where u can get infinite food by right-clicking on a cake that has been guarded.

The cake slices fill up your food bar but come back with a 'You are not invited to this tea party' while your food bar remains filled. This is, so far as i know, reproducable. Get a cake that is protected that you can't destroy and use the cake.


Status: Closed


Just wanted to add this:
This is very buggy, after a short duration this will wear off, and your hunger will be drained to what it was before you ate the cake.

However, for the short duration the bars are filled, you will regenerate health.
It's not something that can be fixed, it's been around for ages. I wasn't aware you regenerated health from it, but the food bars going up should only be a client sided image, meaning you're not actually being effected on the server.