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Back in the chest issue

i encountered this strange bug when sometime like your going mineing and right when you go in that deep dark cave you cant find your
torches and you could have sworn you brought them

thats what bug ive had happen to me like for example i got my pick out ready ti go mineing and i look at my invontory and its
gone.plz fix this bug its annoying



Relationship: BUG REPORTS
Status: Closed


This isn't a bug. And if it was, it's not our fault...
Grab the torches and you might find them.
that's client and lag issues, no way to fix that.
Relog after withdrawing stuff to see if you got everything
I toss something from my inventory and if I pick it up, I know it will work, so I proceed.

It happens in singleplayer too, so don't blame the server
oh it has never happend to me in single player and thanks for telling me that
have a good day
One thing to note on this, opening your inventory is not a reliable way of double checking you grabbed your items from a chest. Instead right click something that talks to the server as this data checks all the spaces in your inventory; ie reopen back up the chest. If you notice this happening, try opening a chest, grabbing your items, and then wait a second or two before you close it. And again, once you do close it, open back up the chest to make sure everything is where it should be.