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MuttsWorld Minecraft SkyBlock Server



This is a Minecraft SkyBlock server for the player that wants to build the challenge of building in the air. All players get a small island to start with. There is a villager trading post and market at spawn.
Diplomats get an addition market for blocks that are otherwise hard to obtain.

Creative Spawn

Server Rules

No client Modifications especially those related to Xray/Movehacks of any sort

Chat Rules

Spam/Advertising of any sort

Minecraft client "glitches"

No Grief

No PvP

Do not ask staff for items or ask for mod rank

Do not argue with staff

If you have any issues use /modreq

Diplomat SkyBlock Perks
Teleportation Rights
Bypass the Queue!
Diplomat Kit
Private Diplomat Channel
Warp Diplo for special blocks

Also includes perks on our other servers

Some of the Commands available on the Server

Commands Description
/rules See the rules of the server
/island sethome Sets your /home location
/island home Teleport to the location where you /sethome
/chlist list of available chat channels
/ch [alias] to join a chat channel
/who list of players online
/modreq [description] report grief to a moderator, do this at the grief'd spot
/check to see if your modreq has been answered
/tell [playername] [msg] Send a private message to another player
/ignore [playername] Stop another player from sending you private messages
/warp [name] Visit a warp
/challenges list  To see a list of available challenges for extra items.
/market listings See what other players are selling
/market create [price] Put your own stuff on the market.