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New Ranks - Including [youtuber] Tag

[YouTuber] - 100 subscriptions, at least one video for muttsworld - get tag + extras

[BuildAdmin] - hansbrinker - in charge of builders

[Builder] - Staff under hans

[Community Admin] - railguy_ - Forums/TS plug.dj etc

[Communtiy Staff] - staff under community admin

I hope these new ranks will be able to fill in some places we are light.



I wouldnt mind helping out on the community admin front. Im on TS everynight, im on the website several times a day and im on plugdj about 4time a week but that can change.
I'm in a similar position, I'm more active off-server than on. I've applied for Community Staff a few times with little development.

Makes me wanna be a youtuber now more than ever...

Oh im very active on server just evening to latenight due to work. A pesky beast really. Also brooke you need 100 subscribers first. Better start now. :)

If you dont use IRC you wont ever be staff.

Does the Youtuber have anything other than the prefix? If so, how do i access it?