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"3 Month Diplomat" Contest Winners

Hey everyone. First i'd like to say thank you to those who entered the "Win 1 of 5 3 month diplomat" building contest. (http://www.muttsworl...month-diplomat/)

This contest was a great opportunity for us to see how talented our players are, and we can really tell how much work has been put into your builds. We had a tough time picking the winners, but we've made our decisions.

**The 5 Winners Are**

Again, we'd like to thank everyone who entered, and we look forward to hosting future contests for you all to showcase your creativity. -Muttsworld Staff


Congrats everyone, these are great builds!

Neo's is the best, as it was all built in survival

Good job everyone who entered, congratulations to the winners!

Some of these people already have diplomat.

i have diplo but it was just about to run out, so this is the best thing :)


Quick question, does the diplo include block prot?

3 month diplo includes 1.4 million block protection

Does the diplo just automatically start? I haven't had time to get on because of vacation, and I just saw this post a couple seconds ago.

So how do you get the diplo? Because I'm not a diplo right now.

No seriously, did the rest of you winners get the diplo yet?

No seriously, did the rest of you winners get the diplo yet?

Wait for mumble.

Thanks, Brooke.
*oops, accidentally posted that again.

"words that have reason for quotation marks around them"

Just to clarify laravee my IGN is sooohigh, so if you could kindly change that if you havent already, that would be swell.


sorry for the inconvinience